Preteen Program

Our mission is to enable our participants to reach their greatest potential, with an emphasis on allowing each participant to set their own road map to success. The program utilizes an approach that targets a broader range of academic, personal, and social outcomes and helps youth learn to think about the “big picture.”

Academic Enrichment and Support

The academic enrichment components of programming aim to help youth develop positive attitudes and passion for learning as well as the support they need to perform well in school.  Activities include daily homework help, tutoring, computer literacy, writing workshops, book clubs, and college tours.  Through exciting, project-based learning opportunities, participants are challenged to take charge of their own learning and encouraged to explore topics of that align with their interests.

Personal Development and Cultural Arts

COA programs also aim to provide youth with a myriad outlets for self-expression through the arts. Activities include poetry, painting, drama, jewelry, fashion, music production, ceramics, African drumming and dance, and field trips.

Community Engagement and Service Learning

Quality programs must interconnect with other key factors affecting the lives of the youth we serve including their families, schools, and neighborhoods. COA provides youth with opportunities to put their skills into action through community building retreats, Youth Leadership Councils, monthly community service projects and agency/community event planning.


Recreation includes swimming lessons, sailing, water safety, a variety of team sports, fitness club, chess, dance troupe, daily recreation in the Riverwest Center gym, and summer programming featuring expanded outdoor recreation in COA’s adjacent Kilbourn and Kadish Parks at the Riverwest Center campus and Selig Field at the Goldin Center campus.