On Thursday, November 8th, COA celebrated National STEM Day with our 2nd Annual STEM Expo held at our Goldin Center (2320 W. Burleigh Street). National STEM Day encourages youth around the country to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. 100 youth participated in fun STEM activities at COA’s two-hour STEM Expo. Children from COA’s Burke [...]

COA’s New Food Pantry Feeds Families and Opens Doors
Development2018-10-12T14:12:11-05:00In March 2018, COA partnered with Hunger Task Force to open a brand new community food pantry in our Goldin Center! Located within our Ethel Nutis Gill Family Resource Center, COA’s new food pantry serves approximately 500 people per month. The pantry has increased hundreds of families’ access to healthy foods in the Amani neighborhood, [...]

The Komen Corner Offers Breast Cancer Resources in Amani
Development2018-10-12T13:55:39-05:00Thanks to a generous grant from Kohl’s, Susan G. Komen Wisconsin can continue their breast health program Conversations with Komen Presented by Kohl’s. Komen Wisconsin identified eight target zip codes that have disparities in breast cancer mortality. With this new focus they’ve selected COA’s Gill Family Resource Center inside our Goldin Center as the site [...]

Born Deaf, Sade’s New Anti-Bullying Campaign Grows at COA
Development2018-09-26T14:11:31-05:00At birth, 16-year-old Sade was born mostly deaf. She could only hear 30% out of one ear. As a child, Sade learned to communicate by reading lips. Naturally caring, Sade always had a passion for helping others. However, her battles with bullying and shyness prevented her from speaking out. Once she got to elementary school, [...]

Dalisa Takes Her First Steps with COA
Development2018-09-18T14:33:11-05:00This story was originally published in COA's 2018 Annual Report. Read the whole report here. When she was born, now 20-month-old Dalisa was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia, a disability of the hip joint which makes walking extremely difficult. As an infant Dalisa wore a full-body harness for 24 hours per day. Dalisa joined COA’s Riverwest [...]

COA Introduces New Youth Programs at MLK School and Keefe Avenue School!
Development2018-09-14T13:01:53-05:00COA is excited to announce that we have introduced brand new after-school programming at two exciting sites: Keefe Avenue School and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School! COA has partnered with these schools to open Safe Places that provide after-school programming for children and preteens. Programs at both Safe Places will include academic tutoring, visual [...]

Announcing COA’s 2018 Parents of the Year!
Development2018-06-21T15:00:07-05:00One of our key goals here at COA is to give parents the tools to be their children’s first and most important teachers. Each year COA recognizes two outstanding local couples for their role as superb parents and their dedicated service to the Milwaukee community. We are thrilled to honor Rhonda & Gregory Oberland and [...]
This Summer at COA
Development2018-06-19T14:49:05-05:00We at COA Youth & Family Centers have loads of family-friendly activities planned for this summer. From fun science field trips and overnight camps, to daily meals and enrichment in Moody Park, COA has got every member of the family covered! Here is just a sample of the exciting programs and events COA has for [...]

New Amani Voices Podcast Building Neighborhood Bridges
Development2018-06-14T13:18:12-05:00“I didn’t know that!” a NOVA High School student was in awe as a senior Amani resident recalled her experience with the Milwaukee riot of 1967. He had heard about the riot before, but this was his first time hearing all the scary details. The two sat around a table with other Amani elders, NOVA [...]

66 Preschoolers Graduate from Milwaukee’s HIPPY Program
Development2018-05-18T13:53:49-05:00Congratulations to the sixty-six preschoolers who graduated from Milwaukee’s HIPPY program on Saturday, May 12th! HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) is an internationally renowned early literacy and parental engagement program that prepares children ages 3-5 for success when they enter school. Member of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Milwaukee and [...]