Ethel Nutis Gill FRC
COA’s Gill FRC, located in Milwaukee’s Amani neighborhood, uses resident input and community engagement to best meet the needs of the community. Gill FRC initiatives include a community food pantry, family-oriented community events, intergenerational summer programming, and workshops hosted during COA’s Kitchen Table Conversations series (programming designed to bring speakers, trainings, and informational sessions to Amani residents).
Ongoing community development initiatives in Amani include:
- Hosting family-oriented community events
- Stewardship of Moody Park
- The Amani United Community Newsletter
- A food pantry in partnership with Hunger Task Force
- Aurora Family Medicine Clinic at the COA Goldin Center (more details here)
COA recognizes that community development cannot be the work of a single agency; therefore, we would like to recognize some of our core collaborators in this effort. Thank you to Amani United, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Dominican Center for Women, Northwestern Mutual, Safe & Sound and United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee. Effective and transformational community development requires a network of agencies and residents working together — we are proud to be part of this team.
COA’s Food Pantry at the Goldin Center
In March 2018, COA partnered with Hunger Task Force to open a brand new community food pantry in our Goldin Center! Located within our Ethel Nutis Gill Family Resource Center, COA’s new food pantry serves approximately 1000 people per month. The pantry has increased hundreds of families’ access to healthy foods in the Amani neighborhood, which is located in the center of Milwaukee’s largest food desert.
The new food pantry is one-of-a-kind because it allows families to connect to all the other resources and programs that COA has to offer. Families with children ages birth to six who visit COA’s food pantry can access a variety of free resources provided through the Gill Family Resource Center like clothing, referrals, and legal aid. COA’s Gill Family Resource Center (FRC) provides fun activities and drop-in programming for families with children ages birth to six, including playtime, art projects, reading, songs, and snacks.
COA is grateful for our strong partnership with Hunger Task Force. Thanks to their vital support, the food pantry continues to grow and thrive.
Click here for an interactive map of all operating food pantries in Milwaukee.
Amani United Neighborhood Association
Amani United is a resident led group that formed as a result of the Building Neighborhood Capacity (BNCP) program. The group encompasses a diverse circle of residents determined to move forward toward a healthy and sustainable community. Amani United meets at 4:30 on the fourth Tuesday of the month at COA. Amani United works with community partners to support the Amani Neighborhood in strengthening relationships and increasing participation in local activities. These activities include resident led Amani United meetings, vacant lot parties, peace vigils, solidarity events like “Arms Around Us,” voting tailgate, block clean-ups, resource fairs, moody park reconstruction and the annual bloom and groom plant sale. You can read past issues of the Amani United Community Newsletter below: